ReproLogix™ is proud to offer the reproductive services needed by our customers to proliferate their elite animal genetics. The diverse training and interests of our team members allows us to offer advanced reproductive technologies for bovine customers. Most services can be conducted at an in-clinic facility, satellite location, or at your ranch, giving our customers the flexibility they desire.
We know you have choices when it comes to selecting a reproductive service provider and we appreciate that you have taken the time to check us out. Below are the services we offer, each linked to descriptions and educational material to help our customers better understand the ReproLogix™ way.
We have our own in-house IVF laboratory. This means oocytes don’t have to be shipped off-site for fertilization and culture, giving our customers (and us) peace of mind. Since our IVF lab is on-site, no one has to worry about shipping issues or late deliveries disrupting IVF embryo production.
ET Facility
Our fully-equipped embryo transfer (ET) facility boasts 3,000 acres of pasture. Because of our large size, we can house donors while simultaneously accommodating recipient cow and weaned calf programs. We are the one-stop-shop for all of your embryo transfer needs.
Satellite Facilities
ReproLogix satellite facilities are located throughout the United States. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality services at competitive prices. We combine our knowledge and expertise in reproductive physiology with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies to maximize the reproductive performance of our clients.